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Join us on the path to becoming a compassionate, client-centered occupational therapist. Register for UNE's Virtual Open House today! 

As a student at UNE, you will receive an education that is current, comprehensive, and innovative. Our curriculum is firmly rooted in essential principles, including theory, therapeutic use of self, functional movement analysis, and occupational analysis. These foundational elements will pave the way toward your occupational therapy degree and will expose you to areas of mental health practice, practice with children, and rehabilitation, disability, and participation (RDP) with adults and older adults.

By emphasizing all practice areas, we aim to empower you with a skill set that can truly make a lasting difference in the lives of individuals and the communities you serve.

UNE Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (MSOT) Virtual Open House

Thursday, August 29, 2024, from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm (Eastern time)


  • 5:00 - 6:00 pm (EST): Hear from current students and program faculty to learn about UNE's MSOT program and what makes UNE a great choice for continuing your education!
  • 6:00 - 6:30 pm (EST): Join us for an informal Zoom meeting following the webinar, giving you a chance to further connect with the great OT community here at UNE. 

Please note: Additional registration is required to attend this event. Upon completing this registration, you will receive an automated email with access to the Zoom registration link. Please complete this to access the Zoom Webinar meeting link. Also, we do plan to record this event. If you're unable to join us for the live session, please still complete the event registration. After the event, we will send you a link with access to the event recording. (Please note: the Zoom meeting following our Open House webinar will not be recorded or shared with registrants.)


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