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Thank you for your interest in UNE's Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) in Nurse Anesthesia program!

As the sole D.N.P. program in Maine and Northern New England, our program equips you with patient-centered care skills and the technical proficiency needed for safe anesthesia administration. As a student at UNE, you'll engage in hands-on training at our advanced simulation center and gain extensive clinical experience in rural and CRNA-only settings, including specialties like neurosurgery and obstetrics. Beyond anesthesia, you'll develop research expertise and gain a deep understanding of healthcare systems, preparing you for diverse career opportunities in clinical practice, research, education, or executive-level administration.

We invite you to take the next step in your professional journey by joining the Office of Graduate Admissions & Recruitment for our virtual 2024-2025 D.N.P. Application Walkthrough, where you can learn more about:

  • Overview of UNE's admissions requirements
  • Important dates for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle
  • Review of required experience hours, letters of recommendation, prerequisite coursework, and more!

If you cannot make the live session, please complete the registration form and we will send you the event recording. If you have any questions about UNE's D.N.P. program, please reach out to us! 

[{"id":"2471490","eventID":"22631","date":"2024-08-08","max":"100","maxGuests":"100","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-06-12 20:24:06","updatedAt":"2024-06-12 20:24:06","times":[{"id":"13996136","dateID":"2471490","start":"3:00pm","end":"4:00pm","max":"500","maxGuests":"500","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-06-12 20:24:06"}]}]

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