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As a student in UNE's Physician Assistant program, you will receive an education that is current, comprehensive, and innovative. With our accelerated 24-month, full-time program, you can complete your PA degree in just 6 semesters with 1 year of coursework followed by 1 year of immersive clinical rotations. By emphasizing all aspects of health care, including geriatrics, health promotion, disease prevention, pharmacology, and public health practice, we empower future physician assistants to work effectively with physicians, exercising autonomy in medical decision-making and providing a broad range of diagnostic and therapeutic services. 

Join us on Thursday, November 7 from 7-8 pm (EST) to hear from current second-year PA students about their experience with clinical rotations and our clinical curriculum. Gain insight into our PA program and envision what a future at UNE holds for you!

Can't attend the live session? No problem! Register today, and we'll send you a link to access the event recording afterward.

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